Our Services
IRAC also provides advice on banking issues, negotiation of terms of banking, what to look out for and verification of finance costs (interest charged and other finance costs).
IRAC has developed a process that independently scrutinizes both your bank account and your contractual documentation. The IRAC Process verifies the accuracy of your lender's interest calculation
The law prohibits the lender from recovering from the borrower interest exceeding the amount of principal at the time the account became non-performing.
IRAC’s reports have stood the test of the law as they have been accepted as expert evidence by the commercial division of the High Court of Kenya. Cases have been won based on this evidence
Why Negotiation , Mediation
& Litigation Support is important.
- The interest recalculation process is a complicated process and therefore one needs an expert to interpret the outcomes and reasoning behind them.
- Only an expert can put numbers into words the way IRAC can and help the advocates build a water tight case.
- If and when a dispute between a Client and a bank goes to litigation, the basis of the Interest Recalculation becomes critical
What we require for the IRAC process is clear copies of:
- Bank account statements relating to the facility.
- Facility Letters (Offer Letters).
- Charge Document(s) securing the facility(s).
- Other Client - Bank Communications (Correspondences).

What we rely on
- The Banking Act
- The Banking (Amendment) Act
- The Land Act
- The Consumer Protection Act
- The Microfinance Act
- The Central Bank of Kenya Prudential Guidelines
From The News desk
CBK Regulated Financial Institutions